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It has been a while since I have drawn! Dragon_Apex as a thunder bender from Avatar!⠀⠀
#Legendofkorra #fanart #illustration #illustrator #yobi_art #twitchstreamer #creativestream #creativestreamer #animator #clipstudio #avatar #thunderbender #avatarlastairbender #alab
2020. 12. 30 #리퀘박스
-<천년여우 여우비>의 여우비와 황금이!
리퀘와 함께 덕담 주고 가신 분 정말 너무 감사합니다ㅠㅠ
Shitty glasses lost Yobi again but I found him. I think he likes me more than them.
Credits: @armikado
hi i'm yobi, a simplistic artist who draws her own characters and sometimes clouds.
New Arrival!!!
Bokura no Kawaii Doukikun by Yobi
#Darren (izq) y #Yobi (der), personajes de nuestra #historieta Trick or Treat 😊 Ilustración que hice el año pasado para la preventa del volumen 1.
#TrickorTreat #ToT #OC #digitalart #artistaentwitter #artistontwitter #comic #manga #originalcharacter #owncharacter #Yobidashi
10/27(金)[YOBI♡RINスナック](@sexercises_yr)21:30- CHARGE FREE
■SONIC 0263-32-5006
3Dオブジェクトを探す検索エンジン モデル検索が楽々に 『Yobi3D』 http://t.co/re6C3Tl6u0 |PCあれこれ探索