Happy July! Going to draw fanart every day until it premieres on 7/29.

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Who is excited to enjoy Yogi Bear The Wild Ride 🐻 in our 5D Cinema all summer long! 🎥

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“Let’s go-go-go!”
Celebrating the only tie-wearing bear on his anniversary;

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、最大の魅力は間違いなく「クマゴロー」の謎コンセプトアートでしたね。あのクマゴローとシンディと子供が‼ 懐かしアニメの「キッズ」化、「&サン」化が流行った80年代中頃の没企画でしょうか?

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I feel like & the gang gets the bad end of the stick in trifecta that is Mickey, Bugs & Yogi. (Disney, Warner Bros. Hanna-Barbera)

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Yogi Bear is through sneaking. He's here for the baskets.

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Of These 4 Which is you Favorite Trouble Making Cartoon Character? Mine would have to be Up against Bugs is and write ins are fine. https://t.co/55Mm2VSeyD

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My designs for a Yogi Bear sequel series.
After 30 years of Yogis shenanigans BooBoo is DONE Ps. I based Ranger Smith on Mike from

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Regardless of the original designs, specials (i.e. "Boo Boo Runs Wild") were AMAZING! Sure; they're kind of off-model, but Thundercats Roar does that too.

You can thank from Spongebob for doing the "story sketches".

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