Yoriichi is enjoying a hot bowl of vegetarian ramen. (Which was a gift from Jack Krauser!)

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Yoriichi & Shiteyan'yo are enjoying two chili peppers!

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King Goomba & Yoriichi are enjoying a strawberry milkshake!

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Kazuma Kiryu & Yoriichi are enjoying a bottle of Yuzu Juice.

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Yoriichi is enjoying a banging push pop.

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Yoriichi is enjoying a McDonald's Big Mac. (Which was a gift from Zhongli!)

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Yoriichi & Geo Stelar are enjoying a bowl of macaroni & cheese!

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Yoriichi is enjoying a single piece of bacon. (Which was stolen from Hanako-Kun!)

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Yoriichi, Hatsune Miku (V4X Version) and Marle are enjoying quite a few chicken nuggets!

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Yoriichi is enjoying a bowl of neopolitan ice cream!

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Yoriichi is enjoying a bowl of carrot puree.

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Yoriichi is enjoying a hot bowl of vegetable & shrimp stir fry!

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Yoriichi, Tamayo, Shinobu

The Goats coming in clutch eventho they're already gone in the final arc.

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Marisa is enjoying a Minecraft steak. (Which was stolen from Yoriichi!)

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Yoriichi & Lucca are enjoying a box of strawberry Pocky!

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Yoriichi is enjoying a plate of jamón iberico. (Which was stolen from Tomoko Kuroki!)

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Eda & Yoriichi are enjoying a golden apple.

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