If the Zeong is the mobile suit without legs
And the Perfect Zeong is the mobile with legs

A mobile suit called the Imperfect Zeong will be just the legs.

18 72

If I had to choose a second place it'd probably be the great zeong or the Big rang

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In the game there’s a version of her called psycho vira that’s just her as zeong from gundam

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Lady Zeong

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I should be at work, but I'm still thinking about as Zeong.

Oh to have a maid with wire-hands

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Drawpile Mobile Suit design. based on the rx-78 prototype and the zeong

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Thinking about doing another custom... Here's a digibash of a Perfect Zeong I put together using the HG Zeong and the legs of HG Rick Dom II.

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Agent Zeong

115 531

Hiya! Big thanks to everyone who's been using my Affiliate link to buy products from HobbyLink Japan.

Iv'e noticed that a lot of you pre ordered the RG Zeong!

You can still backorder now if you're interested: https://t.co/CWsFSsFisy

9 34

RG 1/144 Mobile Suit Gundam Last Shooting Zeong Effect Set: Box Art, new images just released. Info too https://t.co/FCz9zVGUuv

2 7

Finish the General Zeong Commission during the beginning of 2020.

15 42

Commandez dès maintenant le nouveau RG ZEONG ainsi que la version LAST SHOOTING SET !
La quantité commandable pour le moment étant très faible vu la forte demande Japonaise je vous conseille de le précommander assez rapidement !


3 11

RG 1/144 Mobile Suit Gundam Last Shooting Zeong Effect Set: info, images https://t.co/OtqhWJOVjb

8 47

hey everybody, bobby here with another good tweet. let's think about how the zeong is dummy thick. lookin like a furry oc with hips wider than the character's height

9 49

Drew some fanart for 's stream of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. I noticed how the lower half of Brom's model looked like the skirt binders for mobile suits, so I had the idea of drawing him as the Zeong - the Breom, if you will.

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