Inspired by the natural pillars of the Giant's Causeway - - "Causeway Sunrise" (watercolor)

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Inspired by the sunsets one sometimes sees on the south and west coasts of Ireland. "Irish Sunset" (watercolour).

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Here are the beautiful, limited edition prints I have on my website! They are all printed on 310gsm canson acquarelle rag! I love them so much.

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Combining a graphite drawing and Impressionistic watercolors. "Diana at the Spring"

See more recent works on paper

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Cada día paso al lado de un membrillo y hoy por fin me he parado a desgranar con los pinceles ese amarilleo tan típico de esta época. Hoy tienen estas tonalidades y matices, mañana seguramente no. La pequeñeces de lo cotidiano que valen la pena.

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