the first instances of yearning in today's Adagio page... ♥

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the elephant in the room is addressed in today's surprise DOUBLE adagio update 👀🐘

update starts here:

the first of the month means webtoons has updated as well!:

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a silent prayer for francis, please, in today's Adagio update 🙏

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page 40 of Adagio is up! Uh oh... 😳

webtoons has also updated! you can find the link here:

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A bit of well-intentioned teasing in today's Adagio update... 😉🌹

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"ever singing to the skies / a cry and wish for those on high..."

there is no page today, so please accept this Sephiel doodle in its stead. updates will resume normally next week!

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i really missed painting ♥
full will come tomorrow!

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doodled something self-indulgent as a mental reset, and i pass it on to you

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page 30 of Adagio is up!
webtoons has also been updated.

this is the end of chapter one. next week will be a small interlude comic, and chapter two will begin on may 26th.

thank you to everyone who has read so far!! 🌹🌹

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