Nemu headlock!
She sure look comfy there

1 13

Dreadlock Hair for Male CaCs for 's 5.0 Update!

you gave it your all ♥️

18 87

Okie, here’s the Barbiewire sketch I promised to color. I like the puffs but I think I’m going to double back and use the dreadlock design instead.

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these men had me in a headlock when i was 14 y'all dont even know (shin best boi btw)

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Pretty cool padlock. 🔒

15 74

☆4 Deadlock Love 1個落ち! これいいねぇ~~ 今回のlitmusさんのやつは両方とも1個で阻まれてるのがつらいけど(

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Alright, one more time. If it deadlocks again then I'll let it go: vs. for the IWGP Championship, poll in the next tweet

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Nome: Adrian
Idade: 35 anos
Status: Vice-Campeão de Olden e Pesquisador Pokémon.
Cidade: Myter City
Pokémon: Transmuted Gulldinne

Estudou praticamente toda a sua infância em Hoenn, especificamente na cidade +

2 21

Idk how their first meeting would go tbh but I bet fem Horus would do anything to make his eternal crush Seth remember her

Ofc she seems to forget Seth was drunk AF back then😂

(I remade my femHorus and give her the dreadlocks I always imagine she'd wear☺️❤️)

12 94

just one headlock pls

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Gulldinne Transmutado

Altura: 1.7 m 
Peso: 14.2 Kg 

Pokémon pirocinese 

A Transmutação Reversa fez este Pokémon mudar completamente de DNA e aparência, transformando-o no seu tipo oposto. 
Agora, Gulldinne consegue +

2 31

here are some of mine that i like :3 pillow, padlock, therm and torchie💥

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아이패드 사자마자 그린건…. 울 보스 🥰

18 56

It's fun going the other way too! Taking a "photograph" and turning it into a looser painting style. (She has dreadlocks in the original so that's not just bad hair painting)

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Danny J. Quick is back after missing one episode and he joins Kyrun to talk with writer and artist Don Walker. Don brings his newest book Dreadlock: the Barbarian to the show.

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