While usually quiet and withdrawn, should Catoblepas put on a costume of someone who isn't, it'll be like he transformed into that being.

8 14

I. Need. This. Boi.
I can't wait any longer for this cute boi. I've been saving stones like crazy for Amduscias. Let me get this flouf already, please

59 320

Oohkayy, I work at an afterschool care with little neurodivergent children and it would be the cutest to draw my girl entertaining a buncha lil wolfies hahah

0 1

Endlessly training to remain in control of his whole being, physical and spiritual, Shiva often leaves to experience solitude. Plagued by an event in his past, his present struggles to remain vigilant for the future.

9 18

(Funkuro school AU) Big brother lyserg makes a afterschool visit to Jannu's place

15 55

EPISODE HARI INI GEMES BGT MAAP im punching walls kicking blanket

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