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well, that was a story for the ages I guess!

Dungeon Meshi, finally finished it. I wish I could own a whole set of it and then lend it to people. Idk! It's just a very wonderful story - has something for everyone

1 4

Ngl this one had me hostage for ages because I wanted it to be busy as hell but also not incomprehensible as well as capture her personality, and I wasn't expecting to find it so tough. thank you 😭

9 104

fontaine OC from ages ago.. give them a name

12 263

small wip of another illustration based on AK main story. It will take ages but I don't care🥲

15 116

yeah the combover locs was not the move but hopefully another timeskip passes and his top hair is longer and not in a combover

i like what dark ages did with his hair a ton

0 17

明日なので告知!(爆)#C102 8/12(土)東V-11a「StandUp」お品書きです! 新刊は「SG-1000夜一夜」総集編「:AGES.3rd」+コピー誌・SG40周年記念本「around"1983"」X68kZ向けゲーム紹介本「オレを信じて68これをやれ!!PACK I"?"」の三冊! 「:AGES.3rd」はBEEP様及びメロンブックス様で委託します!

36 33

8/12(土)東V-11a「StandUp」お品書きです! 新刊は何と3冊!!「SG-1000夜一夜」総集編「:AGES.3rd」+コピー誌・SG40周年記念本「around"1983"」X68kZ向けソフト紹介本「オレを信じて68これをやれ!!PACK I"?"」となります! 「:AGES.3rd」はBEEP様及びメロンブックス様でも委託予定です!

12 12

do you draw 3ps??? i really love kokoeimiko (kokomi x ei x miko) 🥺🥺🥺 — here’s an old sketch from ages ago!!! never got around to colouring :’) https://t.co/jGRY8xMbc4

111 865

ポプルス様より「製作完了」の通知が出たので正式に告知第一弾!(何) C102(土)東V-11a「StandUp」にて、セガ初の家庭用ゲーム機SG-1000シリーズ専門誌(ぉ)総集編第三弾「SG-1000夜一夜:AGES.3rd」出ます!SG-1000II&全14ゲーム紹介+せがびっとさんのSGゲームを究める企画記事!ご期待下さい。

18 23

A spirit monster who stays out of the sun since its condition will deteriorate. As it ages, its head sprouts braids in multiple directions.

1 6

I have been looking for a new brush to sketch for ages
turns out the brush I used since forever to blur things works

13 49

havent done a rendered piece in ages bc of exams so im easy myself in by doing a little chibi (:

25 122

Been ages since I drew Tobin, decided to throw a doodle of him down this evening

34 179

been talking about redesigning my vtuber for ages and i just want something simple and comfy with unwashed gamer vibes

104 2239

wanna make an fanart of liliana vampaia real quick cause I think I havent draw my oshi for a Long time, its been ages since I last make fanart of lili HAHAHA

25 127

Im sure you've all seen plenty of wonderfully realistic illustrations about the middle ages, highlighting historical events or equipment.

The man you're looking for is Graham Turner.

Check his work here:

134 870

Classic Blueberry, just a personal work that took ages lol

92 676

Discover stories for readers of all ages and start reading!

9 6

Countdown to the MarioStrikerMurphy Weekend.

My reworks in the suits of Ladybug and Chat-Noir. Now less simple and more accurate for their ages.

1 6