Since everyone is asking, my net worth went down $47 million today.

I hurried home to start selling at 39k, but I made a lot of bad moves, +had a poor execution system. 30h and two involuntary 5m naps later, things stabilized.

Airports or something.

I'll take one rest day.

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일에 집중할 때 듣기 좋은 앨범을 소개합니다. 작업에 필요한 리듬에 맞춰 들으면 좋습니다. 차분하고 고요한 작업에는 1,2번 빠르고 반복적인 작업에는 3,4번.

1. Brian Eno – Ambient 1: Music for Airports
2. Hiroshi Yoshimura – Wet Land
3. Solange – When I Get Home
4. Jamie XX – In Colour

287 770

Oh are we talking about airports again?

8 89

Star-Raker, a Space Shuttle candidate concept in 1968, was revived for the NASA/Dept of Energy Solar Power Satellite studies in the late 1970s. Rockwell hoped it could fly between conventional airports. No Shortage of Dreams

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Chengdu Shuangliu Airport (ZUUU/CTU), one of the busiest airports in the world🛫🛬.
But actually, I'm looking forward to the new airport which named "Tianfu" 🤗.

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>Indonesian President questions why the country has too many international airports
>same Indonesian President is the one who instigated rapid aerodome development over the past five years

0 7

what kinda sad sack is nostalgic for airports

0 21

Side note: One of my photography obsessions is capturing images at empty airports that I’ve been in during those super late/early morning times when nobody is around much. This spot is usually flooded with bodies

This one is from O’hare International airport in Chicago.

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My penis is so large I just cannot lug it around any longer. It is so insanely huge and has caused so many problems in my life. I cannot go to airports as they think I am sneaking something in. so everytime I go, I get groped as they try to take my penis off thinking its a bomb.I

0 1

Btw, my family made me an art corner. ^^
And it seems airports are operational again!
Das all. Now I sleep with good thoughts. Have a nice day!

2 37

*brain eno's ambient 1: music for airports*

9 50

Over the last few wks, I have been surprised to see on streets & at airports in & beyond Europe so many ppl wearing the masks and nose and mouth covers just like 102 years ago during the epidemic... Why??

0 2

Have you heard about the new CT Type X-ray Scanners being installed at airports around the world? Based on initial testing by , these new scanners have a high chance of damaging your film, irrespective of its ISO.

Find out more:

1 4

Friendly reminder to my US congoers and other US-based travelers that use drivers licenses or state-issued ID: by October of THIS year you must obtain a license with a gold star ⭐️ on the corner to be able to pass thru TSA at airports! Get it early so you don’t rush later 😉

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this part makes me :( the black masks, cameras super close to him, reminds me of the airports

395 948

Sorry! Airports and other waiting rooms should have signs like these: "Seats are for butts, not bags." (courtesy of Sound Transit)

1 11

先月福岡に行ったとき空港のロビーでブライアン・イーノの『Music for Airports』を聴くというベタなことをしてみたら、AirPods Proの外部音取り込みモードで聴こえる空港のざわめきにイーノの環境音楽が自然に溶け込みその場の空気が整う感覚に「彼が想定していたのはこれだったのか」と思った。

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