Chibi is definitely a style I still have to practice, but what better way of doing so than drawing my faves? 💕

69 187

feel well enough 2 draw again yay!!

234 582

tama: ryuki, you're not doing so well... mentally, i mean

210 490

obligatory bisexual lighting post

95 187

im not a falco enjoyer tbh ????

13 33

hiiii im katie im an autistic sapphic trans girl who sometimes draws and makes random videos also i love katamari and aitsf and suda games (especially killer7) so i post about those a lot :3

6 19

Excuse me , why can no one remember Kagami's name?

Follow up question, is he a tear in the simulation?

11 218

hi everyone! today I present to you fake insta post clear card designs ft. thumbs up mizuki, sparkle on date, and ryuki losing it, probably :)

275 524

this was how aitsf started right

339 900

my most evil post yet

235 629

girls who are also eyeballs

29 64

⠀⠀ no 、 i’ll never find the words
⠀⠀ for that innocent lonely girl
⠀⠀⠀ even when you wake up 、
don’t you forget me okay ?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#AITSFRP -

31 30

outing myself as the only pewgami fan

0 4