Man I love this card sm I would pull her if the next event is not akt banner 😭

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🏆 Meows the Misfits NFTs Giveaway🏆

🎉1x NFT
🎉3x WLs
🎉1x 333 $Stars

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2️⃣ Like♥️ & RT
3️⃣ Tag 3 $atom $stars frens



130 145

シナリオ『 噤めぬ情調 』
KP やっとみそさん
PL Akt


0 2



0 0


0 14

💛💙お誕生日おめでとうーー!!!つけてる称号やツイートからakt推しかな〜?と思ったのでaktでお祝い🥞🧡都合が合えば今度一緒にライブして遊びましょう♡ 良い一年になりますように!

1 1

シナリオ『 新訳きさらぎ駅 』
DL ヤスさん
PL Akt カズ 鸚哥


0 2



四方 八方(わい)
睦 はくせい(Akt)
山延 餅米(いんこ)



0 0

AKT 31: Anfang

"And so... a man started to write a story.

That story brimming with hope ... it had barely just begun "

🌸Auf Wiedersehen🌸

19 42


5 42

AKT 28: Schwanengesang

“I’m sorry… […] if I disappear… this heart shard…will return”

“The depths of despair… why is it so calm I wonder…[…] There’s nothing here…not even love… All is left is to dance until I die”

Both swans fall into desperation …who will reach out?

24 60

1. Akt vorbei, jetzt kommt Higurashi :3

0 0

爆弾を膝に抱えるakt hrm

0 12

AKT 25: Rabe

“Now, come forth, Prince! Offer me your heart!”

An old evil returns, dying the town in darkness. Massive wings wake from their slumber as a deep horrid growl resonates through the streets.

The hero's enemy, the Raven, is here 🌑

17 54
이번주 토요일에 제2회 AKT 대회가 트위치 까론 님의 채널에서 개최됩니다. 저는 1등팀으로 사솝 님과 각브로 님과 함께 출전합니다. 1회때에는 묻어갔지만 2회때는 1인분을 하도록 열심히 하겠습니다. 모두 지켜봐주시고 이번주 토요일에 뵈요!

1 4

AKT 23: Makaber

“What a miserable fate”

Waiting for the stolen girl at the graveyard, a crow welcomes her with disdain.

There’s a shout of despair.

One can no longer tell who has the worst fate in this macabre story

15 29

AKT 21: Ritterlichkeit

"I can write...her story, I can write it..."
[...] "Then, the knight who threw away his sword called her name, to guide her out of the darkness!"

Sometimes, the most chivalrous thing one can do is leave the weapons and pick the pen. Or the feather.🗡📃🖋

16 42

AKT 19: Gebet

“[...] there was an old oak the tale-spinners used to test their power. […] Many were those who failed to contact, absorbed by the tree and lead to their deaths”

The knight seeks a way to help given by his bloodline.

The princess is left to pray for his return🌳

8 26

AKT 18: Worte

“[…] when they realized their wishes really came true, they started to fear his power and abhor him”

Stories with their conclusions taken away, torn paper left as proof.

Cut without mercy, like songs without lyrics and poems with no words

11 29

AKT 17: Vergass

"The stories that child wrote.. sometimes, they came true"

A forgotten ability within buried memories. Fakir has a chance to help the prince... but at what price?

No sword or shield can protect anyone from the terrors of their past

21 44