After a day of studies and games with tiny Alexia finally rests. But she forgot a Tiny, and he's busy looking for an exit from that strange blonde forest. ❤️ Beautiful Work Done by

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Although a little late I finally managed to deliver the chocolates to my Giantess Ruby and Lucia friends of Alexia. The box was really huge and heavy to carry, but in the end I managed to deliver my gift.

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Someone gave Alexia a very special candy. An entire civilization is annihilated and chewed by her adorable mouth. Maybe any of you were in the middle? 🌍👄 Beautiful gift from thank you very much 😍

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Happy Valentine's Day to all, little snacks * she says licking her lips. Stretching her hand to take one of you * 👄🍫 Beautiful work done by thank you very much. ( Expect a little story soon 😉)

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Alexia is getting ready for Valentine's Day. Deciding to go out and take her dearest Tiny with her. The first one ended up inside her stocking. 🧦 else of you, where are you going to end up? Beautiful work done by thank you

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Alexia sometimes knows how to be mean with her tiny. But what for her may be a punishment, might be the desire for a particularly resistant tiny 👟👙Time will tell if he will no longer be noticed or will survive again. work by

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Every now and then, and just sometimes Alexia likes to satisfy her Own Tiny. Especially if they have these fantasies. A pleasant exchange where everyone wins 🦶🏻 Beautiful work done by thank you very much

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Alexia this year decided to lend a hand to Santa Claus and dispose everyone who is on the naughty boys list 📝👄💀🎄🎁 beautiful work done by thank you very much. Merry Christmas to all Tiny who follow me 😘

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And here to you are, the adorable Alexia in padoru version. Are you tiny inside her bag? Beautiful work done by thank you very much friend 😍

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Alexia she finally decided to keep me inside her, in a very very special place. Maybe too special 🍑 but still very appreciated. Beautiful work gift done by thank you very much friend ❤️

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Alexia enjoys a little snack, just before she starts the fun. To increase the pleasure. Will you be the next lucky one or the next snack? 👄 Beautiful work done by Thank you so much

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"Let's go tiny. It's time to go for a run" Alexia wants to play sports with her little friends. But maybe not in the traditional way for them ⬇️🧦👟 Work done by Thank you very much

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Alexia, she's already doing a Collection of tiny doing "trick-or-treating"🎃 and now she's enjoying her treats 🍬👄 Work done by DesaYUN-Art Thank you very much

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Alexia she's put on the costume and is ready to go out to do "trick or treat"🍬 but first she puts on her witch boots with the company of a lucky tiny👢 Beautiful work and variants from Thank you very much

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Alexia's friend went on to bring gift for her birthday. A couple of beautiful tiny to enjoy as a snack. Alexia wasted no time swallowing the first. Maybe you're the second? 👄 Beautiful work done by Thank

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Now that all the excitement of the party is over, Alexia can finally enjoy her presents. Especially this tiny city given away by Mia "Make way for the birthday girl" 🏙️🦶🏻💥 work done by Thank you for this gift

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Alexia decided to intensely press a tiny friend against her foot 🦶🏻 The feeling is very pleasant, and for her it is like taking off an itch. Maybe she'll start doing it habitually. Work done by Thank you so much for this work 😍

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The colorful version of this beautiful work. Note the Tiny in a somewhat minsit position. Original work by Color made by oc Alexia

9 28

When Alexia has to go out for a day she likes to have company with her. Even if they're tiny trapped inside her stockings🧦 Will she be able to thread all the new 400 followers? 😜 Work done by Thank you very much

9 25

Ending up in Alexia's clutches can sometimes mean a one-way trip to target her stomach. And here's what you'll see 👄 Beautiful work done by Thank you very much

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