Fascinating Midjourney result, for me it's all about the light falloff and other intricacies that pop up, but in the end it's not about using the result provided but taking this into my own work for further refinement.

0 12

Absolutely rocking the hook up. I have the Full IP licence contract agreement from Unique Photographs of Elvis Presley captured by Alfred Wertheimer. First in Web3. 💥🚀

5 10

has entered the blockchain🎙️🤘🏽🎸

builds value in their own IP & through this exclusive licensing agreement with they are able to enhance & provide a lifetime branding opportunity to token holders showcasing Elvis Presley archives🚀

23 51

Kyana has been invited to the Hall of Fame Battleground! Congratulations! 🌸💌🤖
Invite sent by

7 46

Cover in progress. Just juggling the falloff into the pentimento/underpainting. Treating this as close to oils as I know how to in PS.

2 8

So i got my piece from .... So happy with this the best aspect is its collaborated with this gives it it's value .

12 47

Foliage Add part number the second! Did a bit of a semi-simulated drop shadow on the ruins growths, fiddled with the outline falloffs. Still not perfect, but I'm getting there, hacking away. :P

2 24