Amroth dived into the sea in a attempt to swim back to his beloved, and his fate is also unknown. But Legolas concludes:

Art: Olga Kukhtenkova

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Her lover Amroth waited for her in “havens grey” but a storm set the ship loose + on its way to Valinor. Of Nimrodel we only hear that she was never seen before, though there is a stream that bears her name.


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I think it was the inspiration for the story of Nimrodel and Amroth in The Legolas speaks of the Elven-maid Nimrodel, who got lost on her way to the west shores of Middle-earth.

Art: Julian Bauer

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Just finished making the frame for “Amroth Coast Line Evening”

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Shimmering Sea at oil on canvas panel

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JUST OFF THE EASEL: 'Amroth at Dusk' 3ftx2ft thick oil paint on canvas

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