Wow, so he traveled with Ananta through different time periods many times huh, that's so freaking cool

0 8

Aww, Ananta🥰🥰 but yeah, Kubera and the others don't know that Kinnara gave the name "Kinnara" away so they might be in trouble

0 9

Okay now I see why Garuda is against Ananta and I'm so happy that he has a genuine reason and he's not necessarily on Indra's side per se. I was afraid this convo would expose him as a piece of garbage but thankfully not, this is so much deeper than that

0 8

Omg, that almost gave me a heart attack, wth!! Thank goodness Ananta interfered

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Don't forget to read this week's update!

Season 3, Episode 233
Ananta (22)

3 18

Ananta would not do something like that, you slippery… Also, he wasn't the one who caused that horrible incident

0 7

Sanvega Ananta?!!👀 Oh boy, things are about to get messy

0 8

my current one is a Loxodon cleric named Ananta Shesha!! he has chronic Chosen One burnout and would rather be a librarian but unfortunately he’s a D&D character and that’s not how this works <3 also all of the other party members are younger than him

0 1

While I do at least understand Chandra and Vayu's points (the rest of them and their shitty opinions can just…), I'm with Yama. Ananta doesn't deserve this

0 7

"Max Havelaar aku punya karena aku sangat, sangat suka pada Multatuli," (Kartini dalam "Panggil Aku Kartini Saja" karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer)

3 23

"Pls spare me bro, I'll explain later" said Enan to *the* Ananta😂😂😂 That might be one of the single greatest translations I've read in huge props to the translator for this amazing line👏👏👏

0 9

Oh shit oh fuck, Ananta is here to retaliate⁉️

0 9

The thing that disgusts me the most is he can go and commit heinous crimes like that with no restraints bc he can just pin those sins on Ananta

0 8

Hell yeah!! I knew that the way he taught Maruna about Ananta magic could be a foreshadowing of him having a contract with Ananta but holy crap, I didn't expect it to come up like that

0 8

Omfg, Marut this is the only good thing that came out of your mouth so far‼ Yeah since Ananta arrived at the scene in such a scary way, I completely believed that it had to be him but I always found it odd that he was talking about how his efforts disappear so easily

0 8

Yeah, they must know that it's a big freaking deal if Ananta caused this

0 7

Oh, I didn't know Manasvin had the same type of attributes as Ananta

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Ofc they would suspect the gods which I think is what Ananta wanted👀

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