"ISCP, you're my sun and moon,
Girl, your'e everything between"

4 23

Okay! You morsels know what today is! Get in line! I need some prey kif I'm gonna grow into the biggest oni in the world!

4 42

"Bucho *BUUUUUURRRRRRP* Mio... I'm so fat and heavy... How does Mapocha do it? I feel like a living bag of jelly cement that's about to pop! Is this what... *URRRP* obesity feels like?"

13 63

Obligatory Repost of the Fat Boy with a literal bottomless stomach, Kodai Lau Makis-Zaku!

17 88

Here comes mooooore ! Attacking my buddy NuttyandProud03 and her OC, Constance!

0 1

Why don't you do both?! Like

Eth project bridging the ecosystem as they introduce

1 6

Coming to SOL in the near future. Come check out the temple and our community!

4 12

"Just barely managed to evade Papa today. I'm already a big enough blueberry as it is..."

Happy from Mapocha the Bouncing Blueberry from "ZEPHYRION of the Infinite Cosmos".

17 72

*scale reads 1050 pounds*
"Heh... Heheheheheh... Guess I kinda overdid it yesterday..."
*belly jiggles violently in hunger*

14 76

Sadly I don’t have anything to post for pride this year, so please have this Patreon art from last year 🏳️‍🌈
Time flies so fast 😭

2 29

I’m going to miss Krakoa’s first X-men team, but I’m hyped to see what comes next! I think I’m FINALLY getting this down as my signature comic style. Hope all you proud mutants enjoy it!

26 87

Goliath: Hehehehe... Look at this big jelly belly. So round and bouncy... 🥴
Kodai: Uhhh... Dad? You okay? This ain't like you... 😟
Mapocha: Uh oh... I think gaining all that weight made him loose his mind...😰

8 64

"Oh God... Pops really knows how to cook a steak... and a brisket... and a damn good duck... If this keeps up... *BUUUURRRRRP* I think I might turn into a Fat Boy next..."

14 83

"Uhhhnnn... So full... So fat... So hungry... I'm looking more and more obese by the day... *BUUUUUUURRRRRRRRP* Excuse me... I've been having really bad stomachaches and it's been making me gassy..."

10 69