Rewatching SFGend King's man ep last night because I miss Hwiyoung and Chani... and got a mood to quick draw them, so here we go

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sweet altani... small and shaped like a sweet bean

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My first card from Fate/Grand Order Arcade has been shipped.
Me: happy happy happy happy!
I can't wait. Romani...

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a very belated birthday doodle for Mizutani.... love this guy

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Nishitani... Really wanted to see more of his story🥺

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Yes, that's Giselle without the mask and that's Nalani... she looked bad with the avatar, there aren't right assets for her but w/e

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manga "DEVILMAN" Go Nagai. "Devilman sa mettere a nudo la parte peggiore e bestiale degli esseri umani..."
scheda sul sito, con la recensione completa di Wizard09

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"If the Time of Parting has come...if those days are no it...really bad to cling to the past...? Mash...Da Vinci...Romani...i'm sorry...But i will cling to the past. Even if i must lie to keep it all real."

💥Account of Ritsuka- no...Goetia, the Pretender Servant.

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Non c’è medicina come la speranza, nessun incentivo così grande, e nessun tonico così potente come l’attesa di qualcosa che accada domani...There is no medicine like hope, no incentive as great, and no tonic as powerful as waiting for something to happen tomorrow - O. S. Marden

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Thats the only way, i could pay homage to Arfan Ghani...Teacher at NCA, Architect and great person....Farewell my friend

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2. Newest OC is Bibi Beezle Satani...
People are still asking her to sit/squish them for some reason.

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touhou oc...her name is iwatani...

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i almost forgot abt Delani...... hi

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