画質 高画質

Tehe! Mau nyontek build kokomi freeze kalian dong.. prefer healer (niat awal), tapi kalau ada jenis build yang lain mau coba juga heheh. Thankies!

0 1

BROLY X Frankie (#°Д°)💦

3239 35949

Top 4❤️of My Frankie foster fan arts in 2023 :3

1665 12662

Hii artist! Butuh kritik dan saran plss, terutama di segi warnanyab😞😞 thankies

3 128

Frankie Foster cosplay as Mari from Evangelion :3

977 9790

Orspoiler (jaga-jaga)

Haloo, pesanan orv kr sender udah mau ready INA. Ada yang mau take shikishi ABFD yang ini ga yaa 🥹? 250k exc biaya lokal, ems tax sender yg tanggung. Kalau ada yang mau reply aja yaaa, thankiess

0 15



9 28

Frankie Foster cosplay as Cammy :3

961 9168

Frankie Foster cosplay as Spider-gwen :3

1295 11754

Nueeeeeeee Houjuu, commissioned by my homie. Thankies!

1 8

Frankie Foster cosplay as 2B :3

884 7776

Frankie Foster cosplay as Harley Quinn :3

1247 10884

Body types...ish (?) Im just sketching things out but this is what I see their body types are (scara's the lankiest but the strongest tbh thats a walking animatronic,emphasis on wriothesley's boxy shape, childe's a swimmer build wide shoulders slimmer waist, lyney slightly musc-)

4 34

Ms Frankie Foster 😳
What are some throwback characters you’d like to see me draw?

595 3978

Sub girl Frankie Foster :3

1016 11627

Jet girl Frankie Foster :3

1282 19078

it's 3rd october! Happy Birthday Lia!🎉🎉🎉
thankies so much for all the supports that people always give to me for my little project
Lia happily take your hand on this special day and ask you, would you go on a magical adventure with me? together?☺️

10 50