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. 『アンパンマンの新キャラ「マリトッツォちゃん」』
(Maritotso-chan, a new character from Anpanman)

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Not sure who this "Anpanman" character is but someone once said that one of my pictures of Baby really looks like him. They weren't wrong tho

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Cool Anpanman flies in the sky.


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Anpanman and Baikinman's fight to the death on a stormy night.

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今話題のテーマを指定すれば自動でAIがイラストを描いてくれる を試してみた
1. Japanese style data center
2. New Dell Technologies PC
3. New Nintendo game device
4. Dark anpanman


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. 『アンパンマンによろしく』
(Give my regards to Anpanman.)

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y entonces me hice este fanarte porke me parecio gracioso el chiste y la referencia pero bueno despues me hice tambien la version normal pero todo empezo porke queria escribir el cartel de bien al estilo del

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The goofy villain of the day is Baikinman from Soreike! Anpanman!

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Fukumura Mizuki:
- Dokinchan (Anpanman)
- Lum (Urusei Yatsura)
- Aisaka Taiga (Toradora)

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Rae dressed up as Currypanman from Anpanman! (The second picture is Currypanman lol) ()

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São o Anpanman (esquerda) e o Baikinman (direita), respectivamente o heroi e o vilão do anime infantil Anpanman, que é um dos mais famosos no Japão. A NTV transmite o desenho toda sexta.
Os heróis são literalmente pães.

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