Today's theme is seaside and coastal art 🌊☀️

We’ve chosen the painting ‘Seashore Roses’ by Edward Atkinson Hornel, who was a Scottish painter of landscapes, flowers, and foliage, with children.

🖼️From the collection!

(1/2) 👇

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Special mention to this piece which caught our eye named 'Low Tide' by Dorothea Sharp via 🪣🌊🐚

It really captures the joy of the seaside! Ice cream, anyone? 🍦

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'Por el mar' Edouard Manet pintó este cuadro durante el verano de 1873, durante las tres semanas que pasó con su familia, en la pequeña ciudad costera de Berck-sur-Mer. Hace posar a su mujer Suzanne y a su hermano Eugène Manet en la playa. ⛵️#OnlineArtExchange

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Today's is celebratory artworks for the with this promotional art work from Thetford Pulp Mill. This is a 'For the Lounge' pre-war promotion for Thetford trays and fruit bowls. She looks ready to entertain.

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We're in the midst of a rather sporting summer, so for today's celebratory here is Six Athletes by John Lessore from the collection of

All are multi-gold medallists from the 2000 Paralympics.


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Today’s is all about purple! 💜
King’s Lynn artist Henry Baines captured the purpliest sky in these watercolour studies of ships at sea. Often the most vibrant colours come from or are inspired by nature!

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It's all about the purple on today's
We are big fans of 'Spring in ' by John Duncan Fergusson from the . Beautiful mauves and purples fuse with zingy greens and limes.

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A Purple heron by Edward Lear for today's theme of purpliest purples 💜
A in volume 4 of John Gould's 'Birds of Europe', 1837.
of Colour

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'Iris Troiana' (1508) Albrecht Dürer, (1471-1528) es el artista más famoso del Renacimiento alemán, conocido en todo el mundo por sus pinturas, dibujos, grabados y escritos teóricos sobre arte. La pintura también emana paz y serenidad.

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'Dust Storm, Fifth Avenue' (1906) John Sloan (1871 -1951) was one of the founders of the Ashcan School, a group of American artists who dedicated themselves to painting urban scenes of New York City in the early 20th century 🏙️

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'Retrato de un joven con una escultura' (1540-1550) por Agnolo Bronzino. Sus retratos siempre esconden mucho más de lo que muestran. Conservado en el Museo del París.

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It's a theme on the This railway poster makes us think of lazy days on the beach and salty air. 🏖️🩴🦞⛵️🐠🐟🪝🦐
Minehead (British Railways poster artwork)
Johnston (active 1950–1961)
National Railway Museum

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We'd love a wander down this path towards Swanpool in Cornwall! 🌿

This painting is our summer-themed pick for - it's from the collection , created by John Thomas Richardson in 1909.


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We are celebrating 🌈#PrideMonthUK with and
Duncan Grant was a member of the Bloomsbury Group, several members of which were gay or bisexual, including himself. Here's a portrait of his partner🔗

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So hard to choose just one for - the theme this week is

We've opted for the lovely 'Study of a Roman Bust, Fruit, Leaves & a Drape' by Hans Feibusch (1898 - 1998) from .

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We're always drawn to things, so our pick for todays is a still life . It's called 'Study of a Roman Bust, Fruit, Leaves and a Drape'. Semi tempted to try and recreate it with one of our replicas...

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Phyllis Bray (1911–1991)
Still Life
Oil on Canvas

Acquired into the collection as a gift from (1956)

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'Cesta de mimbre con rosas, prímula aurícula y pensamientos', (1846). Johan Laurentz Jensen (1800-1856) pintor danés, dominó el arte de reproducir la naturaleza. Sus obras están en exhibición en el Museo Thorvaldsen 🌸

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'Vanidad con calavera' (1679) de Jan van Kessel (Amberes, 1626-1679) pintor de naturalezas muertas. Colección de la Baronne Henri de Rothschild y conservado en el museo , París. 💀🥀

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