Timelapse of this one is having issues uploading so here is a before and after shot on a paintjob that I loved the color and pattern of from

8 52

Hmmm may have to sketch some more this weekend.

Nice weather may prompt me to get outside more though...want all the physical activity I can get before winter sets in and I’m stuck inside mostly.

What’s your weekend plan?

3 27

This mini is so cool! And just had a little lunchtime fun. My lore game has slipped since 2nd edition but he looked like a psyker to me, if not just ignore all the energy coming from his hand :)


6 55

Timelapse of warhound Titan from

I included the link below to the higher res video. Trying to figure out if I should post separate etc.

Hound of war timelapse! https://t.co/O4zPCM18zM

8 44

Timelapse from

Zen out for a moment, sip your coffee or tea and watch the not so friendly skies come to life!

Always open for commissions because I like to eat and have roof over my head lol DM for more info!

15 57

Having a good weekend!

The teaches me a lot, in particular the speed department.

You can get a PhD in color theory looking at everyone’s minis! I get jealous of combos I would not have thought of, so then I steal them! Muahahaha

2 44

Thanks everyone for submitting so many awesome pics yesterday! So many more I really wanted to paint over.

Appreciate the tips to my ko-fi as well, that money goes towards hiring other artists and writers to help AE grow

9 45

Have life stuff to do this weekend so no new stuff for a couple days.

But after weekend I get to work on a paintover on an awesome space wolves mini!

The talent around this hobby is crazy!

12 56

Your minis deserve to be displayed in the best way!

DM for commissions!

20 78

Back at it today!

It was really nice to spend some time in nature and get time away from staring at a screen! But it does feel good to be back and have a cool commission to start that I’m excited about.

Now to scroll through some of your pics that I missed!

4 33

This paintover was cool model from

In one day I’m down to little less than a third of my ink in printer lol granted it takes like half the cartridge to fill lines the first time.

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I was nominated in two separate posts but one was for BnW art so I will do both in one! Appreciate the thoughts!

I have no minis because I’m the worst hobbies ever :/ but I will share some art!

I miss drawing some comic stuff


0 8

Hmmm prolly not this weekend because I have a few commissions to finish but weekend after....so get those minis ready!

I don’t get jealous of money or fame, but I do get jealous of paint schemes, this necron is so cool!

6 25

What you working on today?

A splash of color for some inspiration!

DM for commissions

And to support and get some cool stuff visit https://t.co/kwBclwgpeY

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