Happy Pumpkin Spice day! Introducing my newest mermaid, Pumpkin Spice Mermaid. I already have prints and if you join Patreon within the next week, you can get her for a special price.

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As a special treat for my first 10 patrons, I am doing avatars! I only have 4 spots left for these avatars, so check out the tiers and join now.

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For the price of a Starbucks coffee, you can help make an artist’s dreams come true and get great stuff! If you haven’t had a chance to check out my Patreon page, give it a look and if you feel inclined, pick a tier and join the journey!

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Super excited to hear that the gorgeous Halle Bailey is going to be the next . The wonderful thing about mermaids is that they are a beautiful rainbow of colors and they should all have a chance to shine!

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