What happened old artstyle? I miss you 🤕

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🪶Drawing Objects as Magical Girls!

Day 03/30: Feather🪶

_How do u guys like that artstyle? :]
Any suggestions for the next object?


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So........... I've been thinking and i want you guys to be really honest

Do you have any critiques of my artstyle???? Like, things i could improve and all that

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I wanted to achieve this type of artstyle but I don’t know what is it called. Is there any artist do you recommend who do this type of artstyle? I really wanted to study it

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Hey uhhh. Would you guys leave me if I switched from pixel art to a mlre painterly artstyle?like from this to this?

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New year New artstyle?

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Psssst Akari

Can I see Yuuki in your artstyle? 😳❤️

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Question: What's your favorite thing about my artstyle? I've been feeling pretty down about it lately and I do want to improve my art but I wanna know what you all love about what I draw ^^

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If you wanna do mine, I tried to shove some stuff from different years but that I still think smhw convey what I'd call my artstyle? hushu anyways,

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an anime-ish artstyle??

I'm so rusty with it, its just for fun though and a nice way of showing what they'd look like as humans so...

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anyways his name is Rask

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Will you consider this kind of artstyle? From $3-$19 only!

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I can!would you like this kind of artstyle? Just dm me

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So…slightly new artstyle?
I think one of the reasons I stopped drawing is because of school/ I wasn’t happy with my style much anymore so New Year, new beginning and I wanna try again! 💜
peep the slight changes but im happier with it🥹

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what's my trademark when it comes to my artstyle? like how do u know when a piece is mine or sum

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What do y'all think bout my new artstyle? (⌒▽⌒)☆ I love it but also hate it at the same time 🧍

((Approximately took 7+ hours including trying out other brushes </3))

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Consistent artstyle? Nah... It's bullshizz 😂

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a redraw of my old 2020 art! what aspect do you guys think have changed in my artstyle? (for better or for worse lol)

all in all i'm pretty satisfied with how my artstyle is rn :D

2020. 2022.

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What do you guys think of this artstyle? im accepting critics so yeah let me know your honest thoughts 😁

This is OC btw

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This man lives in my head rent free, tried a new artstyle?

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