It'd would be so cool if we had Jojo esque color swaps in CSM anime for the impactfull scenes. All bright and colorfull like Fujimoto's covers. It would work really well with the normal muted look of the show. I get why they don't do this though, it goes against he film asthetic.

166 2499

Just me and the bois, chillin on the beach, 2cm apart coz we're... we're-uhm.. hm.

Collab with ma bois , so much fun mixing our vtuber asthetics and art styless <3 <3

2 3

me estaba debatiendo por si subir aquí el countrytober, creo que solo voy a subir algunos. si quieren ver todos pacense por Facebook. ahi están los días completos.

este es el día 8. asthetic que mas te guste.

30 516

Always aprecieated hots extra attetion to master skins givving an extra flavour of their easthetic.

12 172

THE LIST GROWS i love this movie its so fun and has such a strong asthetic and probably my fave animation in the franchise shows and movies its very funny all the characters were great last chunk of the film was kinda wierd tho chase music was a fun choice i say check it out

1 2

Tsui No Stella: Beautiful both in terms of the story and in terms of the stunning visuals, this kind of asthetic is my shit, definitely my new favorite of the "Project:" trio of VNs, susprisingly didn't make me break down like a little baby like Planetarian did but it got close

0 1

Rayman 2's asthetic just hits differently 😌❤️

113 676

Now Now This is absolutely fantastic Key Visual! Look at Asthetic and LO. 1st looks like Moaang (?) & 2nd looks like Sayaka koiso (?).

4 50

still working on getting better at humans ToT i made this guy for a roleplay and went nuts on his hair AND ASTHETICS. still working out the kinks in making profile shots and making cheeks and noses look normal. you wouldn't believe how many times i flipped this fucking canvas

0 2

IF we only count fursonas. I'd say my first proper sona that i didnt switch from within a week was my presh dog that i still love to this day. But nowadays and for the forward future its my rainbow bean thats my sona. What a huge change in asthetic XD

0 2

Personized, simple banner for @.asthetic_vampie
Price: 15 RBX

0 0

Double finger with a rare mask (.18%). Asthetic combo and > box price is my guess. Happy with this final pull.

RNG gods didn't give another 1/1, but can't be too greedy here.

Next tweet I'll run some numbers and see how we did this batch for ETH.

Thanks for playing with me🫡

1 23

Redrew Aiden, gave the older bro of Ace a basketball asthetic! I think he pulls it off quite well tbh!

19 83

Spending too much time on this Art Trade giving this girl her proper Viking Valkyri asthetic she was ment to have when I designed her for in 2019! Experimental FUN! Still her og self. just letting that braid LOOSE

3 27

"atualize seu Pinterest 4 vezes, cada primeira foto que aparecer é seu asthetic"
(sério apareceu isso kskksk)

1 7

Omg this is such a fun idea!!! 🤩😍
Amethyst's room would have a purple and crystalized asthetic yet also very cutesy and princess like elements.

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