Oh happy day! The patient queue to restrained freedom...

Thank you all who made it happen - to volunteers
We must continue to do our part too

Very proud of providing my two jabs

1 3

„Erste Impfung:
Kanzlerin Merkel mit Astrazeneca geimpft“

5 20

Hey, remember when everyone was doing "Hogwarts Houses, but it's vaccines"? And do you also remember the GoT House Generator? well......

3 10

& en el de de esta semana:
'La Lechera' por Pinto & Chinto
'La tortuga y la liebre' en versión


1 1

Más de 300 medicamentos pueden causar trombosis, muchos de ellos con mayor probabilidad que AstraZeneca https://t.co/0JjYtSctvE

18 28

Más de 300 medicamentos pueden causar trombosis, muchos de ellos con mayor probabilidad que AstraZeneca https://t.co/tn0mflQxYC

31 40

Cartoon for
The biggest joke is this country running out of life saving vaccines

2 17

Christian Adams on https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6 - political cartoon gallery in London

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Ständige Impfkommission empfiehlt Astrazeneca nur noch für Menschen über 60 Jahre“

2 10