Here's a beautiful mystery story about an ocean bird in the world's driest desert. Up until last year, no one knew where the Ringed Storm-Petrel nested. Then a group of young Chileans sniffed out their burrows (literally!) in the Atacama Desert.

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Thanky! Today is my last day of vacation. I used some days to travel to the north of Chile (San Pedro de Atacama) and the rest of days to rest. I didn't expect to appear in the top posters after all this time inactive. I'll try to post more (cute) stuff with you guys. Hugs!

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Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) helps us see dust and molecules in space, e.g. Pillars of Creation

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Beautiful night sky over Atacama, Chile

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Also, soon.. Atacama and Karol will be evolving.. soon +v+ //finally started getting on that

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