画質 高画質

SDXLよりSD1.5の画風が好きだからうんぬんかんぬんの記事出した直後で手のひらクルックルなんだけど、#ShiratakiMixXL は結構いいな…!

18 83


894 5227

Chisataki Christmas repost🎄

75 401

My comfort boys both love beetles, and I too love beetles- SO WHY NOT DRAW THEM INSTEAD OF WRITING MY DISSERTATION?🤩🤩💀


17 63

Good ol' "I'm your greatest christmas gift" ft chisataki
Thank you for the commission!

545 3456

“Artists, show me your most popular piece”

This Itto one! I love him sm 🥺🫶❤️

793 6438

I wear a mask because I don't want to be recognized by anybody, especially when I'm working with the Arataki Gang. If someone I know manages to recognize me, they're sure to make a big fuss about it... It gives me a headache just thinking about it. I won't ever let it happen… https://t.co/vOPcbi5aDv

1555 17343