2nd LV with updated design!
Explore Mars with her!


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Isn’t that adorable??
Looking forward to successful launch!

5 18

Yesterday, – now - launched March 1 on an reached geostationary orbit 22K miles out in space. We could have flown to a standard GTO on a 511 but added 3 solids and flew on a 541 to reduce the time to GEO and add life to the satellite.

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The with is in the 541 configuration: 5-meter-diameter payload fairing, 4 solid rocket boosters and a single engine on the Centaur upper stage. It will generate approx 2.25 million pounds of thrust off the pad.

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The Moon is smiling down over Cape Canaveral AFS tonight as a ULA 411 stands poised to lift-off at 7:48 p.m. EST, to place the Space Based Infrared System GEO 4 into orbit for the

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Weather is 80% Go for Thursday's launch of a ULA 411 from Cape Canaveral AFS, to place the Space Based Infrared System GEO 4 into orbit for the Air Force.
T-0 is targeted for 7:52 p.m. EST -- the opening of a 40-minute launch window.

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Utilization of a muscle plug to repair an intra-operative tear of a dural venous sinus

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Access to deep cavernous malformations via interhemispheric, transcallosal & supracerebellar corridors

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Variations of neurovascular conflict leading to trigeminal neuralgia

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Application of temporary clips to assist in deflation of aneurysms causing nerve palsies

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