tehe! timnya lyney udah bagus gini ato thoma kazu diganti zhongli xiangling aja?

1 4

Makasi yang uda nnton dan mampir di strim tadi
sisanya aku lanjutin off strim setelah gawean kelar www ato mungkin strim part 2 nyelesain ini

2 jam dapet segini lumayan lah ya ww

242 2001

Babu! Kuki bagusan pake khaj nisut ato pake freedom aja?

0 7

Princess Ato'ssa telling astart citizens of the Jamesians' magic water system in an attempt to get them to defect.

9 71

Art! Hi Barbie! 🩷
Akhirnya selesai jg 😩 ada yg sdh nonton filmnya? kalian suka barbie yg mana?
💖Cowgirl Barbie
🩷Pink gingham Barbie
💕Pink beret Barbie
Ato Barbie yg lainnya?

33 422

Babu! Ini aku gatau mau seneng ato sedih 🥲 kokominya pulang di pity 84 hard pity. kespook sama si ayam jago merah dulu di pity 80 😭💔. Perih banget...

4 426

Art! Guys aku serius nanya harga pasar commis itu berapa? Aku rencana mo open commis bust-up kyk gini tp BG solid, 100k worth it ato pricey?

0 10

A Render of King Darius, The Current Monarch of Jamesia and the father of Princess Ato'ssa.
He keeps Xerxes in Ectabana so that he is close to Ato'ssa.
He wants to set up a magic water system to lessen the effects of Astarte's Desert Curse.

9 56

Tehe! Adakah yg tertarik gabung fotses cosplay bareng kami di gumuk parangtritis jogja tgl 12 agustus nanti? Kostum collei ada dari kami size L, dan msh banyak chara yg kosong jg. Jika minat bs lgsg kontak profil fb yg di pic ato ngomong di reply biar sender bs (cont)

4 5

An Ahrimaniom Version of Ato'ssa.
The Ahrimaniom is able to possess people and transform them over time.
This is a nightmare for both Xerxes and Ato'ssa.

4 50

tehe! Sender ktar ktir nungguin Fontaine rilis tapi ga yakin device mampu. Kalau misalnya harus pensi, baiknya akunnya disimpan ato dikasi ke orang ya 😔🙏🏻

0 7

buat yg mau polosan dan reaplod ke engrish ato apapun silahkan, saya lagi malas translet

3 32

mnurut artist! mending anatomy standar tapi rendering apik ato sebaliknya?

45 698

Babu! Yanto ganteng ato cantik si? 🥰 disini dia keliatan maskulin 😋😋

5 148

Babu! Ini mamang mending pake nymphs ato HoD?
Sender baru dpt skyharp, mau build doi bener2 😬

0 2

memperebutkan dek isa si bunga desa 🧚

hayoooo isagi pilih yg kuning otaknya miring ato yg ijo titiwnya miring 🫶

392 1776

It'd be cool to know what others think of my girl Hanako Hinokami! everyone in this world has an ATO which is essentially if the souls of their parents gave birth to make the child's power and her's is she can both create and alter the chemical makeup of flames and heat.

0 0

Babu! Milih mas ilham ato kak kevin

12 243


Ato1snow / Snowdome S|能力を手に入れた:08


🛒 𝗕𝗨𝗬 ¥8,800 税込

2 2