One hundred different suns

In a hundred different heavens

0 11

Perfect thank you and for my trade can you draw my OC Augie?

0 1

Here comes your man.

Rolling down the street

the callous field

He puts it in your hand

0 7

After drawing turkey Tom, I decided to draw bowblax in a jojo art style :) (augie is next)

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You might wonder where you are,

Floating on the reservoir

0 14

In kindness you needn't

and neither do I

we are both of us

capable of flight

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To the sea where the crossy-eyed maids murmur low

do you see

do you see

where the doubts cross his shadow?

1 14

Country and city

kingdom of the well

of the unwell

You dwell in them both like a ghost

0 2

In the slums without name,

and it isn't only poverty to blame

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And feel the subterranean movement a fraction

and deep under ocean

the celibate rocks

0 6

Getting sidetracked from my drawing project to bring you this dumbass meme i present Augie pog Wojak lol

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I know where your good grass grows

I know what your boyfriend knows

0 7

it stings your eyes

What you saw

when she stood in the yard

and she let him undress her

0 10

And in biting down on the great foam world

What is the looming thing

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