Another new paper - new balaenopterid baleen whale: Archaebalaenoptera eusebioi from t the late Miocene Pisco Fm of Peru - new paper by et al.

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his teeth look like baleen

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Dahg daydreaming of desirably dependable dergs, suave show-off and shapely sharks, and other big blue bellied baleen behemoths.

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Mammalodon colliveri is an extinct baleen whale that measured 3 metres long. Its blunt snout may have helped to suck up organisms from the sea floor.

(Credit Gogosardina, Carl Buell)

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Just remembered a dream i had involving this beast thing, had sorta bristley teeth on the lower jaw, pointing out, kinda looked like fiberglass and whale baleen jutting out of its mouth

it also struck quickly, someone that was near it immediately disappeared into its jaws

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Well if we're talking weirdly specific phobias, I have a very weird fear of being swallowed whole by a baleen whale!

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Day 10/11 - I missed yesterday so here's a twofer: watercolor/gouache paintings of the skull of the archaeocete whale Zygorhiza (top) and toothed baleen whale Coronodon (bottom) to raise $ for . Each is about 14" across.

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Things I love about this fuckers design;
1. Androgynous but not "pretty"
2. Ludicrous amount of hair that I can draw just pooling around him.
3. Baleen.

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Queen Baleena, a kind queen who protects the kingdom of Aqua de Lune from poachers and thieves.

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whalefish are a type of fish that live in the midnight zone (bathypelagic zone) !! their skin is actually scaleless and they're named whalefish because of how similar they look to baleen whales!! theyre bright red because red light doesn't travel far espescially in the deep sea

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RT : Cetacean is fascinating! It is now thought that very first evolutionary “cousin” of today’s baleen had both teeth and baleen simultaneously in adulthood, making for a very crowded mouth! 😁

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Featuring Crybaby Reunions, Baleen Whales, and a very wiggly ribbon eel friend for the pin club!!!! 👀👀👀 Patrons also get early access to the shop update this weekend too! :3

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Here is my entry for the challenge by 😊. A micro Japanese onsen.

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uwu mawframe sevagoth happy with this. his teeth would be similar to short Baleen plates, but they would be rigid/solid and used for shearing

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Inspired by the round baleen containers I saw I’ve been playing with my 3d pen today.

The great thing about this sort of experimentation is that you learn lots about what not to do.

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