If you like SSSS.GRIDMAN Rikka Takarada figurines, have a look at S.V. Paper Craft website. 😉


宝多六花 トペーパークラフ

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The Western year is already in its second month, but for the Chinese the Year of the Dog🐶 will only just begin tomorrow! 🎇 https://t.co/TYqJtjRlVx 生肖 狗 トペーパークラフ

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The Survive Walker Gears are a Japanese pre-order bonus,🙁 the simple Destiny Siva Nodes are an old official that you can still just download.😉 https://t.co/WQ4UHOKrM1 メタルギア ビデオゲーム トペーパークラフ

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