Harleh in bandages. For legion of bats.

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Gift art I made for my friend . It really the time of year for more bats.

5 19

Inktober Day 3: Bats

Oh. Bats. 🦇💕

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More flabby dumb bats. Although maybe the lower chubkin is a gargoyle? She's got big fat legs and a bad attitude. https://t.co/WXHJY34JDw

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ITS FREAKING BATS. i love halloween

5 21

Personatges que responen a les teves accions, interacció geolocalitzada amb llocs patrimonials de Vilanova i la Geltrú, trencaclosques, persecucions i combats. Derrota els enemics de l'Agència dels Secrets a ℹ️ https://t.co/20WFPIRiHL

2 3

Proximanente os voy a traer a Twitter y otras plataformas algo relacionado con de The Dark Knights Returns! 👀

AMO esta versión del personaje, se me cae la baba con este Bats.

7 57

staring. joker contentedly tied up. for bats. just completely at ease, enjoying himself. god you fucking SLUT!!!!! (the other rogues are there too I guess)

5 20

a bit late but i wanted to make something for mr. bats.

4 13

NEW OC she wants to go on a pumpkin spice and corn maze date with you

Was meant to be an afopt but I love her way too much 😭😭 maybe I'll make a batch based off her for adopts?? Butterbats... batterflys??

5 25

It’s frickin bats.. I love Halloween 🦇

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Day 10: Echoing. I know I won't be the only one to think of glorious These are a and a close up. Without bat there'd be a lot more nocturnal insects out there.

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One of last year's Halloween bats... which I just realised I could have called a "zomb-bat" 😂

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My portrait of the Ice Queen, The Queen of Bats.
- Get close to the things that freak you out.
Zoom in and find some fun details.
.11 $ETH


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Hordak was never a snake guy, he was usually associated with bats. He looks like a combination of 2nd and 3th Hordak with a little hint of 1st.

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Does anyone remember this animated series about these bats. I'd consider it a hidden furry gem.

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