San Diego based artist Mia Page (est) is with her animation.
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How y'all look believing votes will save America😂 Just sit back and watch the mfer burn!

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Bernie's got "2020" vision for America! Feel the Bern El Paso🤞😁🔥🔥 Cya Saturday!

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Artist Hallie Jay Pope () delivers a clear picture about who the ideal candidate is to clean up our planet.
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21 63

Kiddo and I are on the Bernie Bus! Just stopped in Barstow, next stop the Vegas campaign office. :D I'm so excited and also amazed at how many people are willing to go from L.A. to Nevada to knock doors. 😱

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is a term used by folks who enjoy as a hobby. They talk mad shit about and then you when you reply to their ludicrous claims.

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To those who are unaware, Tommy Douglas is the reason Canada has the following:
1. Universal Healthcare
2. Pension Plan
3. Unemployment Insurance
4. Central Bank
He gave the people of Sask, plumbing, electricity and took them out of a impending recession.

8 25

Well guys, Yang is out. I miss him already. I will wear my sick vaporwave shirt proudly in his memory.

Wouldn't you like something to remember him by until he rises, phoenix-like, to run in 2024?

All profits still go directly to

5 33

FEEL THE BERN🏋️🏃‍♂️🔥 first run cycle in like 4 years for me 😅

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NY based illustrator and animator reaches audiences with his minimalist, yet original pieces, ‘Bernie 2020’.
Join the movement by tagging your posts to be featured.

2 20

In case you needed a reminder, some of the greatest minds in history have been supportive of the very same ideals stands for

Albert Einstein & MLK are among my favorites

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Revamped an old illustration from 2015. Let's go Iowa!

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MEDICARE FOR ALL! Even for the haters! Y'all will come around and join us when you understand that we are fighting for you too.

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