FIRST! Im doing great! Cant wait to open my !!

3 12

Let's celebrate our awesome creatives by showing off the latest drips ( ).


Say hello to my Olympic athletes who have already snagged some medals in hockey and slopes 😉

2 12

Worked a deal with the OG Dad himself for the ! Talk about the today! LFG Dads and Momma’s!!

NFT by CryptoDads

8 49

With out a doubt it’s the 2022 roadmap off the charts with legal staking, metaverse worlds, games and a top tier community!

3 19

Received my golden ticket Cryptodad!! Love this one ❤️ Thank you!! Lets Go!!!!

19 102

Hey hey hey! Congrats and welcome to the and I love the pick ups! Excited to see you in the cave!!

2 21

Welcome to the Super excited to have you! What a great pick up :) see you in the cave!

2 13

Loving my custom drip by 🔥

My is ready for golf season ⛳️🏌🏼‍♂️

3 54

You might be interested in checking out the ! The 2022 roadmap is amazing with legal staking, lawn mower racing game and metaverse worlds already in the works. The community is also top notch!

2 14

Welcome to the fam big balla Here’s my squad. Wrong jersey but can’t wait to see you in Green in the Honorary Collection! And this is coming from a life long fan!😁

4 19

My good buddy has decided to jump down the rabbit hole with us, and I felt gifting him a CryptoMom for his first NFT to join the community was the right thing to do. Please show him some and give him some yayas!

3 32

Calling all and considering the size of the community I'm not connected with enough of you.

I want to feel some of that so post your Moms & Dads below, say hi & follow me so I can follow you back

12 82

Just sniped these 2 Cryptodads!!! LETS GO!!!!

18 120

rocking the VR since all I see on Twitter is

10 83