MOVING ART LIKE DRUGS! I ALWAYS WANTED SOMETHING I COULD SLANG FOR $50 A POP. @ carloswhey it’s on its way 🙏🏽 thanks foo i already got the next from one of yo homies sent the money hella fast 🤙🏽 .

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Just shipped some custom art work. Get your own for $50 shipping included. If you or anyone you kno need some art hit me up A$AP.

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$50 custom art deal swipe to see examples + some of my home made bomb ass properly seasoned hot wings. IF YOU NEED ART OR FOOD FUCK WIT YA BOY A$AP 🤙🏽🤓.

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reapercrew34 piece is done 🤙🏽 thank you again. Sending it out either mon. Or Tues. thanks again to for the look on all his platforms 🙏🏽 $50 deal all day dm me for info. .

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Nas-Your The Man. Stick to the plan mang. Hella old days. If you or anyone you kno need some art done let me kno.

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Full color water color wit up to 2 people in it for $50 11x17” or a blank comic book variant cover. Dm me for details.

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GET SOMETHING SIMILAR FOR $50! Full watercolor 11“ x 17“ comic book page Or a comic book blank cover for $50 free shipping. PayPal or cash app me $25 to start & the other $25 once its done. cash app $bigramoslsd.
Up to two people in piece. send about 4...

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Had good times in sac but I’m back in lb and bout to go HELLA HARD. Got my first bout two years ago or a year ago I don’t remember lol and one of my old paintings from school. Dropping a new art deal tomorrow for 50 bucks :) .

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“IT’S THAT BIG BAD WEST COAST ON MINES” Shirt design I had made years ago and my home girl from Louisiana had it printed out for me on this shirt as a gift. The print job was terrible but I loved the gift 😂🤓.

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Black and white drawings for $50 + shipping or water color for $100 + shipping. Size can range form smaller then 8x11” up to 12x18”. Dm me to work out the details.

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