The male King of Saxony bird-of-paradise has some of the most extraordinary feathers in the world - their uniquely modified occipital plumes can be 50cm long with 40-50 glossy blue enamel-looking flags decorating the bare feather shaft and help to attract a mate

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Paradisaea rudolphi, blue bird-of-paradise. Plate 29 from Richard Bowdler Sharpe's (1847-1909) Monograph of the Paradiseidae (1891-98). Both volumes free to view/download via

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Greater lophorina or greater superb bird-of-paradise (Lophorina superba)

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Semioptera wallacii (Standardwing or Wallace's Standardwing or Standardwing Bird-of-paradise)

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King bird-of-paradise (Cicinnurus regius)

40 114

Sunbirds, abaca leaves, philodendrons, orchids, bird-of-paradise flowers, and ferns.

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