Aepfel und Birnen, die wichtigsten deutschen Kernobstsorten via

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Aepfel und Birnen, die wichtigsten deutschen Kernobstsorten via

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Ich lege mal Etwas offen. Ich leide an einer Lungenerkrankung, Hochsensibilisierung und bin natürlich nicht gerade dicht in der Birne (psychisch). Ich verflüchtige mich, ohne zu wissen wie es weiter geht. Ihr Alle, habt recht mehr über mich zu erfahren. Hoffe auf Verständnis 1/2

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1枚目 Birne様(お母様) @ birne_illust
2枚目 こまし様 @ ko_ma_shi
3枚目 しろゆき様 @ siroyuki12
4枚目 モカくま様 @ mokamirukuma
5枚目 赤城くらげ様 @ akagi_huyu

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Apfelsine has 2 brothers and a sister.

Birne the eldest brother who's rude and brutish
Apfel the little sister who likes to play pranks
Banane the second eldest brother who tries to be a comedian...but fails.

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Old political map features Helmut "Die Birne" Kohl gobbling up the GDR. Love how his hair is displayed as waves. Source:

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Some of the 3D models I've made for the , Jewett Trolley number 2846, Birney Safety Car number 170, and of course the Electroliner!!

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Apfelsine, the insane orange robot who did a bunch of bad stuff.

Birne, the incredibly rude hulking bot.

Apfel, the little prankster who's jokes hurt.

Banane, the prop comedian who is bad at jokes.

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友人(@ ruri_birne)にやってもらいましたTHSCミリしらです

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A new face! This is Merdith Birney, a trans woman who is Tamisha's best friend since basically birth. Didn't plan out having the two childhood friends posted back to back it just happened that way.

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These are 3 of my robot OC. Apfelsine and Birne are are psychotic robot brothers, and steam tank who is a water and fire powered robot.

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Pears 🍐🍐 (Pyrus communis), variety "Gute Graue". by Walter Müller for Äpfel und Birnen (1894) by Rudolph Goethe, H. Degenkolb, and R. Mertens. View more in with thanks to for digitizing:

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🌲 Aepfel und Birnen,.
Berlin, Paul Parey, 1894.

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Botanical illustration and the park: Aepfel und Birnen, die wichtigsten deutschen Kernobstsorten, by R Goethe et al, 1894, BHL/Cornell.....

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This is Apfelsine's brother, Birne. Him and Apfelsine are 2 of 4 brother butler bots, made by the same creator. Like his brother, he's also violent, but he's more head on and threatening than comical. He's more of a bodyguard butler, and doesn't have a master to work for.

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80 by Bee | Birnenlos tried 50 times and did not get him T-T

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(47×39 cm) z 1512 r

Dzieciątko trzyma przekrojoną, tytułową, gruszkę. Słodycz gruszki miała przywodzić na myśl słodycz uczucia, która wedle świętego Bonawentury, zakonnika reguły świętego Franciszka, jest darem Bożej Mądrości.

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