when you have something specific you should be drawing, but the vibe is still ocs, ghosts, and stars

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I’m still in exile so have an unfinished scene from our game✨

We got screwed over by our employer, our teenager got possessed by a ghost, we forgot to bring said teenager to the hunt for the employer… we’re incredibly organized and not unhinged!

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illustration commission for -winterwood of Declan and Peachy taking a lil midnight stroll through the city. 🏮🏮🏮

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Catching up on a few episodes with a few doodles.

(I betchya Camilla’d have some opinions on non Severosi horses)

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One project that Iam not having a lot of time to work with is my "Pixels in the Dark" project, that is make every character, faction, the map, the playbook and crew sheets, equipments of Blades in the Dark in pixel art, my homage to my

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My Blades in the Dark character, Karro the Hound. This was my first piece using greyscale colouring with gradient maps as well (^人^)

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Hello everyone! It's been fucking ages. Sorry about that. Finally had the power to get back into some art, so here's a small sketch dump of some of the characters from my game...

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It never hurts to be both ex-constable and a bit of a pyromaniac.
Made a quick portrait of a character while playing – very intriguing tabletop RPG system that I can wholeheartedly recommend for anyone interested in dark fantasy.

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a thing that happened that i scribbled a bit ago and may or may not actually finish...

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Still working on the group shot, but this close up made me smile.

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