yatoyuka 🐶🐯🐉

day 7 crossover blues period x blues clues

51 121

day 7: crossover

murai would be bffs with kuramochi

55 161

DAY 6. FAV TEACHER, Ooba sensei, she reads books on marine biology on her free time, and she's currently planning a scuba diving trip. :b

13 43

[ day six: fav teacher ] did you know king crabs arent actually crabs?

11 36

day 6: favourite teacher
saeki-sensej is the person i would like to be when i grow old aha
just a doodle for today cause im rlly busy :3

19 48

day 6: favorite teacher~~~

Welp for me i love all the teachers in bp cause everyone has their own unique way of teaching but i choose these two cause i love them the most

16 44

day six: favourite teacher!!!! It was a hard choice between ooba and saeki so I just went w who I wanted to draw more :))))))

17 48

Day 5 I might switch to traditional art lol✨#ブルーピリオド

9 30

day 4
Krita didn't let me export it so I had to screenshot:)

4 20

This one was kinda rushed because I didn’t have a lot of time but I love the art club group sm

23 71

(repost) bluetober day 1: fave character


5 22

HI! you guys are amazing! I love it!
Can't wait to see it finished 🦋🦖


7 24

day 5: favourite friend group !!! This was a very hard choice but ofc I had to draw these three menaces to society 😩🙇‍♂️

13 51

day 5: favourite friend group

i think utashima, koi, and sumida are great friends for yatora :3
imo its important to show artists having deep, meaningful friendships w/ people who dont know much abt art <3

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