Commission for a friend!! They're robotsona is super duper duper cute!!!!!!

7 20

God I really need to draw my robotsona more often

15 65

i VASTLY prefer Akira Toriyama's birdsona over his robotsona and i will die on this hill

9 105

I'm not sorry for anything on tumblr outed my tags this is my response

2 9

So, yesterday night i was working on those! Since i was horny and all <3 nsfw btw

's Botsona and mine, and they do stuff like fucking and loving each other... Bro..... .

34 153

and now for something less horrendously butchered by twitter
my botsona cuddling a turret from Portal

3 12

Legit you guys i'm not that tiny at all

(Also i love how i drew the shoulder disks here they look so round and kinda bulky i love it)

1 7

i have a robotsona but i never draw it but i drew it

0 3

trying to do some robotsona practice bc im…………………. im………. i love my robotsona...

0 3