Esma Ekiz Kağıt Pastel (30x23 cm)

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A partir d'aquí, cal donar color a aquests objectes i dibuixar-ne de nous per generar ombres i coses per l'estil. Finalment, hi faig una mica de post-producció: correcció de color i algun efecte per "embrutar" una mica el traçat i que no quedi molt llis.

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Thinking back to the deviantart days and wanting to participate in OCTs. I'd still be down to join a tournament if I had the time, might even give Octavion and Brutark the second chance. Still a little disappointed they didn't make it into Galactic Smackdown.

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Before Outsider Art, There Was Art BrutArticle. December 2015.

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