All of Batgirl's costumes have always been absolute 🔥🔥🔥 but I think the Burnside costume is my favourite.
I just love the look of it. Has so much character and style and I love that it's the look they went with for the upcoming movie.

2 19

I commissioned some Steve x Claire art from , and here it is! I love it so much -- thank you! ❤

47 182

Why I plea for an Omnibus of the Puckett/Scott run because of A.) They deserve it and B.) to keep the physical copies around. C.) If Burnside and Gail's run can get ones, why not the one who LAID it all for these runs to happen?

0 2

Happy Valentine's Day!
Painted by my friend: 枫夏河,since he doesn't have twitter account I will post for him

43 106

Steve Burnside & Steve Bumside

(Pardon my immaturity, but r and n together looked too much like m to resist. 😆)

3 23

The Burnside costume hasn't been well liked for a GOOD minute. That's why they changed it to this.

The fact that the movie is backtracking just because the Burnside costume was trendy AT THE TIME is a little 😬

0 4

I get it. most of you haven't read a comic book since the 90s. For many, Batgirl of Burnside is their 1st exposure to Babs since BTAS & has earned it's iconic status.

And yeah, the suit itself is really neat and easy to cosplay...which is what I notice a lot in modern heroes.

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Me gusta mucho el traje, han ido sin miedo a copiar el batsuit más representativo de en los comics, una adaptación perfecta de la etapa final de New 52 “La chica murciélago del Burnside”.

Cremallera, cinturón, capa, colores… y me encanta la capucha. Tiene detalles top!

50 478

Not my personal favorite Batgirl design suit but for what their going for as a homemade suit? It looks pretty good. And it's very accurate to her burnside suit that she had in the comics. Again it's not my favorite but I looks very good. I hope by the end of the she gets this:

0 1

I’m not usually a massive fan of the Burnside look… but here I adore it. Honestly it reminds me of her more current look which is a more mature version of it. I love the classic pill capsule Utility belt btw… It’s iconic !!!!

11 41

Tem gente que gosta da fase burnside, tem gente que não gosta, e tá tudo bem, massss a proposta do traje é ser algo fácil de produzir.

É um traje de herói de couro, não é aquelas armaduras, isso é algo que a personagem pode desenvolver no futuro.

79 1066

I’d say Arkham Knight as well but that’s pretty much the N52 suit

I also dig hints of purple in the cape or other places too

Tbh I like most of her looks besides Burnside 😅

0 4

This is not a good adaptation of the suit. The Burnside costume works because it looks patched together it's a biker jacket and gymnast leggings. Anyone could make this. The movie suit looks professionally made so it begs the question. Why adapt this suit at all

16 140

if they wanted to go live action
should be one of these 4
and idk the burnside it just was the way to go
if they do a sequel i guess it would be cool if they did the Fear of state one i guess

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Greg Ramos Ferguson/はらさん
Timothy Denis "Tim" McCay/瀬峰さん
Joe Marik/ごりら
Reynold Burnside/おまめさん

1ロス3生還でした~!たのしかった 本当に怖かった 怖かったよ~~~~~;;
ロストしたけど俺的にはよかった ごりらもジョーもにっこりしています^^

1 6

Oh hell's spawn...I done a thing. A Rune Wizard burned in the flame and a soul has been awakened. Welcome Ghost Flame Burnside of Dread Tower!

8 200

completed animation commission for tumblr user steve-burnside​​ of toshiie maeda from finished 12.25.21

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