Wow, Rey posting new art??? What an occasion 😳
This is my Hobbit, Lillyanna Cottonfoot! A fisherwoman from Bywater with a pony named Truffles, a stall at market, and far too much Took blood in her veins. She is hotheaded, self-made, and takes no shit from tall folk(1/4)

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Sunrise today on the Oxford Canal. ☀️#lifesbetterbywater

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Sunset was wonderful tonight, with the added bonus of the moon and Venus! 🥰

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Sunset at 16.29! Clouds have reappeared, but what wonderful reflections! 😍#lifesbetterbywater

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The Tempest illustrations by Lynn Bywaters

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Lynn Bywaters creates original drawings and paintings for greeting cards and children’s books.

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Let's try try try 摩訶不思議🎶ゾッとしました

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Jerry Bywaters was, like Alexandre Hogue, a member of the Dallas Nine. His best works, such as “Share Cropper” (1937) , focus upon the day-to-day struggles of ordinary people during the Great Depression.

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