The fourth prompt, what if my OC named Frankie learned that she is on the Webtoon.

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I caught some nasty flu but I'm finally feeling better, so here's the next thing!

So what's the prompt again? Draw your OC realizing they're in a webc- OH NO!!


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10/19 Realising they're in a webcomic
Uh oh, Busted!

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day 3 In our clothes of I have no fashion senses and everything I own irl is so casual and basic

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Denny is NOT happy to be sharing the spotlight with Briv lol. Prompt 3: Wearing your clothes! Denny is rocking Lady’s blue jacket and glasses and Briv’s chillin in my classic red flannel and piercings 😎

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My entry for the third prompt of

Holly in my clothes

But it eskalated a bit in an 80ies style 😂

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My OC Shijiro 🔥 in my clothes!
FT.) Aira ❄️ (my other OC)
Read Geist Shadow World on

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It's time for the third thing, so here's Isai wearing my clothes! Hmm, what a familiar logo...


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Martha wearing my own clothes??
OC_tober prompt: in your own clothes

Check out my webtoon, Just Study!

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second prompt for is "In Nature," which obviously means Nana cuz she's in nature like every day🌲 🍂

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Adler and Brennan take a trip to the woods. but wait... wtf is that thing?

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