Tehe! Capitano stans.... let's hug each other right now....*sobs*

690 5713

based on what I think their love language would be

870 6914

oh lord save me
I didn't know that Capitano had a bakery behind him-

9 86

don't forget, you owe me your life

113 2034


2727 21181

Do you think if Capitano was a pony, the star part of his mask would be a “horn guard”

27 626

Babu! Cw // halu , delulu , delusional

Jadi sender lagi main chat bot Capitano, dan bot nya ngomong begini..

Sender gamau mleyot sendiri🫣

1 19

it was my birthday... so i baked a cake for myself 😋

429 3516