Canonlly these two steal their dad's clothes a lot so 60% of their outfit choices is from their dad's wardrobe😂💙❤️
Deo has to go shopping almost every week for more clothes.
(Kate & Destiny Capricorn)

6 19

quick doodle of Destiny in her dad's jacket💙
(Destiny Capricorn)

5 20

My main man~😏💙
(Deo Capricorn)

2 13

Deo, Constantly being the one to talk Katie out of going to war with other Universe's Gods.😂💖
(Katie & Deo Capricorn)

7 27

I love making jacket designs for Deo~
(Deo Capricorn)

9 16

lil goddess warmup💖
(Katie Capricorn)

9 21

the black haired demi god
(Kate Capricorn)

7 33

lil demi god tomboy😂✨
(Kate Capricorn)

4 14

Good thing about Mrs. Capricorn is that I like to draw her hair. Bad thing is that I like to draw her hair!😃😭
(Katie Capricorn)

4 13

(Destiny Capricorn)

4 14

Two friends just haaaaaangin out~❤️
(Sophie Evergreen & Deo Capricorn)

3 13

(Destiny & Katie Capricorn)

7 21

I love seeing them in love~❤️✨❤️
(Katie & Deo Capricorn)

4 16

She's just a lil tipsy. A bit of a flirty drunk😂❤️💙✨
(Katie Capricorn & Deo Capricorn)

8 30

happily ever after never ends❤️💙
(Destiny Capricorn & Deo Capricorn)

5 15

Armed and ready!
(Destiny and Kate Capricorn)

10 17

Happy Valentine's day~!!😘❤️💙😏
(Katie & Deo Capricorn)

7 13