★ ℍⒶPקƳ ๒𝒾гŤ𝓗ᵈαㄚ✰ Ryan Cavanagh @ryan_cav
26 yo Australian Cyclist racing for Victoire Hiroshima 🇯🇵
#QLD, #Australia
Se potessi scrivere la bellezza dei tuoi occhi,
E in numeri freschi numero tutte le tue grazie,
L'età a venire direbbe 'Questo poeta mente;
Tocchi così celesti non toccavano volti terreni. '
(William Shakespeare,Sonetto XVII)
#DonneInArte #VentagliDiParole
Francis Picabia
#Drawlloween2022 Day 26: Don’t Look At It 🎈
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#drawlloween #trixiestreats #trixieandceleste #dontlookatit #pennywise #stephenking #youllfloattoo #illustration #digitalart #spooky #briansoria
#Drawlloween2022 Day 22: Shave and a Scare Cut 💈
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#drawlloween #trixieandceleste #trixiestreats #shaveandascarecut #demonbarber #illustration #digitalart #spooky #briansoria
#Drawlloween2022 Day 21: Double Devil 😈
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#drawlloween #trixieandceleste #trixiestreats #doubledevil #possession #spooky #illustration #digitalart #briansoria
#Drawlloween2022 Day 17: Night of the Lifting Dead 🏋🏻♂️
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#drawlloween #trixieandceleste #briansoria #nightoftheliftingdead #illustration #digitalart #spooky
#Drawlloween2022 Day 12: Judge Sludge
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#drawlloween #briansoria #trixiestreats #trixieandceleste #judgesludge #illustration #digitalart #spooky
The dream team of Cavan Scott and Ario Anindito are back! And so are the High Republic comics.
I’m looking forward to grabbing issue 1 later this week and meeting Vildar and Matthea.
#starwarsthehighrepublic #TheHighRepublic
#Drawlloween2022 Day 11: Avocado Ghost 🍞
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#drawlloween #trixieandceleste #avocadoghost #hauntedtoaster #trixiestreats #spooky #illustration #digitalart #briansoria
#Drawlloween2022 Day 7: The Bell That Rings At Midnight 🔔
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#drawlloween #briansoria #trixieandceleste #thebellthatringsatmidnight #trixiestreats #illustration #digitalart
#Drawlloween2022 Day 6: Skate or Die 🛼
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#drawlloween #trixieandceleste #trixiestreats #skateordie #briansoria #illustration #digitalart
#Drawlloween2022 Day 3: Bar Crawl of Cthulhu 🍻
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#drawlloween #frizzdrawlloween #trixieandceleste #trixiestreats #cthulhu #illustration #briansoria #barcrawl #barcrawlofcthulhu
#Drawlloween2022 Day 1: It’s Tomb Time! 🪦
Trixie ‘s back along with her new friend, Celeste! What sort of treats lie in store for this scary pair?
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh
#trixiestreats2022 #itstombtime #trixieandceleste #drawlloween #illustration #briansoria
Here's Blinky! She's my own design for a gemstone called Cavansite. she's based on a sea slug, and she's a little detailing terraformer, usually carving very small and intricate designs into the inside of hollowed-out planets for the diamonds, but these gems are very delicate.
Tonight's scavanger hunt with the @Moon_Bats community was a great success! 4th place and I got a @LifesAJoke_NFT ! Thanks @Cryptoviking__! Always good vibes!
#moonbats #LifesAJoke
We are talking with @HOPress Donna Cavanagh who is a #publisher, founder of HumorOutcasts, & #author of the children’s #book “Ramo to the Rescue” #writingcommmunity #amwriting #podcast Great insights for #writers & #readers alike. https://t.co/cS2wxbKnaI