Hello everyone! My name is cewtes (cute with an s!) and this is some of my stuff~ I'm still getting used to using copics and doing traditional work, but I'm happy with the results so far. :) Plus it's a Christmas Growlithe ♥️🔥 I tag the lovely

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Thanks very much for this! ♥️ Hey everyone, I'm cewtes and I'm a 28 year old self taught artist who likes cute things and wants to have art as a career. I'm branching into traditional too, so I'll be posting more of that too. I hope you like! :)

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Hello all! My name is cewtes and here's some of my stuff. I hope you like! ♥️

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Hello there! My name is cewtes and I'm a self taught artist who is working hard to make art my every day~ I hope you like :)

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These are my latest pieces and I'm pretty proud of them. Hey all I'm cewtes and I'm a 28 year old self taught artist who wants to do art full time someday. I hope you like. :)

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Hello all~ I'm cewtes, a 28 year old self taught artist who wants to make art her main career. I tag my friend the lovely because she arts good and stuff and I love her 😊♥️

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Hi there, I'm cewtes and I'm a 28 year old self taught artist who lives in Washington State. I hope you like my stuff~ I'm working hard to improve and make art my career. :)

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Good Afternoon~ My name is cewtes, I'm a 28 year old self taught artist who works strictly in digital media. Here's some of my stuff, I hope you like it :)

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Good morning, lovelies! My name us cewtes and I'm a 28 year old self taught artist who is trying hard to make art her main career. I hope you all like what i have so far. :)

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You're one closer now :) Thanks for putting this up~ I'm cewtes, a 28 year old self taught artist from Washington State and I'm doing my best to make art my main career someday! I hope you like. ❤

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Hi everyone~ I'm cewtes, a 28 year old self taught artist whose doing her best to make art her full time job. It's nice to meet you all and I hope you like what I've got. Commissions are open too, so email cewtesart.com if interested~

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Hey all! I'm cewtes and I'm a 28 year old self taught artist from the PNW, it's great to meet you all! Here's some of my stuff, I hope you like~

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Thanks for doing this~ hey, I'm cewtes and I'm a 28 year old self taught artist from the PNW who is doing her best to make art her career! I hope you like what I've got so far. :)

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Hello everyone! I'm cewtes, a 28 year old self taught artist from the PNW. I'm working hard to make art my career, so I hope you like what I've got! :)

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Thanks so much for this~ Hey all, I'm cewtes, a 28 year old self taught artist who is doing her best to make art her day job. I'm so close to 200 followers it's crazy, so if anyone likes what they see, consider following me! Commissions are also open. :)

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I'm cewtes and i strictly do digital art, but am pretty willing to most anything (I put things in my will not do because I'm very inecperienced with them, but I'm working on improving). So if you want art presents, and like what I've put out, DM me! :)

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Afternoon~ I'm cewtes, a 28 year old self taught artist from the PNW who is trying to make art her day job. Here's some of my stuff and I tag to share her stuff too because i love her.

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Thanks for this! Hey all, I'm cewtes, a self taught artist from the Pacific North West and I hope to make art my job someday :)

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Always appreciate these~ hey all, I'm cewtes and I'm a self taught artist from the Pacific north west and I hope to one day be a freelance artist full time ❤ hope you like my art~

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Hello~ I'm cewtes and I'm a self taught artist from Washington State. :) I hope to one day make art my career, so I'm doing my best to our out quality work for you all! I hope you like~ ❤

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